A catch word that has popped up more and more in the last couple of years is going ‘Paperless’. Obviously, the less of a need to use paper has a positive impact on the environment and to be honest paper generally equals unnecessary clutter right? So how do we minimize the use of paper.
Photo courtesy of: https://www.flickr.com/photos/rvoegtli |
An area that I wasn’t able to master for quite some time
until recently is how to scan a document or photos into Evernote directly,
without the need of an extra step of having to create a new note and then
attaching the scanned material manually. This was especially difficult while working
on my family tree and trying to capture all of the documents and put them into
Evernote was quite time consuming.
Having searched on Google and read articles on the Evernote
web site about how to scan documents into Evernote, the solution that was most
apparent was to purchase a Fujitsu ScanSnap compatible scanner which has built in functionality to push scanned documents straight into
Evernote. Ultimately this looked to be
the simplest way of being able to do what I had been trying to accomplish and
was very close to making the purchase but after further searching I found a web
site named Wappwolf. From reading about the site
I found that Wappwolf is an automation service for Dropbox users to automate
the use of moving files in and out of Dropbox and to cut down on manual
work. Considering I have a Dropbox
account and one of services that I could automatically moving of files to is Evernote,
I had a lightblub moment and figured that this might actually allow me to do
what I have been trying to do with my scanned documents. After having tried it, I can happily say it
works like a charm.
So if you are after an automated process to scan your
documents or photos straight into Evernote without the need of having to create
notes or to really do anything else, below is a guide you might want to follow.
Step 1: Sign Up and Setup a Dropbox Account
I won’t go into great detail about how to setup a Dropbox
account, it is a relatively simple process but if you do get stuck, here is an
easy to follow Youtube video to assist you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arzW5fvCEts
I recommend that you install the Dropbox application for either PC or Mac
depending on the platform you use.
Step 2: Once you have created your Dropbox account and installed it on your Mac or PC. Visit the Wappwolf site and login with your new Dropbox account. You will be prompted to authorize the sharing of your Dropbox credentials between Dropbox and Wappwolf so that they work together. Go ahead and do this.
You will be then prompted with a list of folders from your
Dropbox account. Create a new folder called ‘Wappwolf’. Select the Wappwolf
folder and click on ‘Next’.
Step 3: Choose an Action is the next step. Scroll down to the ‘Any File’ section.
Select the ‘Upload to Evernote’ option.
Click the ‘Connect to Evernote’ button. Simpler to how you
authorized Dropbox to use Wappwolf, the same needs to be done between Evernote
and Wappwolf. You will be prompted to do so in a pop up window as outlined
below. On this page login with your
Evernote details and authorize the sharing of account information, if you don’t
have an Evernote account then ‘Create an Account’ link and follow the
Step 4: Once you have connected the Wappwolf with Evernote, you can go ahead and setup an automated action. My settings are outlined below.
I have the title of the note as the filename and because I
have all of my unsorted notes in my personal notebook in my Inbox. I have used
the tag ‘!Inbox’. Once complete hit the ‘Add Action’ button. You would have now
created an automated action as outlined below
Step 5: To further reduce digital clutter, I have added one extra action. At the bottom under the Advanced section there is the option to ‘Delete the original file’. Select this option and then hit the ‘Add Action’ button.
Once done click the ‘Finish’ button unless you have another
action you would like to add and you’re done!
That is the tricky part sorted, now when you use your
scanner and should be able to use any scanner if of you have the Dropbox
application installed. You need to ensure the output location of any scanned
documents is set to the Wappwolf that should be in the Dropbox list of folders
in your directory structure.
Now give it a shot and let me know how you go and this works
for you in the comments section.
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